Saturday, September 3, 2016

Night Descends Over The Museum

In keeping with my post from yesterday, on the night of Fortissimo, after photographing the Macdonald Building, I thought of doing the same with the Museum of Nature, since it wasn't really out of my way to pass by on the way home. I liked the night lighting on the stone walls. There were people inside at the time, even though the Museum was closed. From time to time the place is used for wedding receptions, and that's almost certainly what was going on. On my way out I decided to stop by the sculptures of two dinosaurs on the east side, hence the final shot.


  1. Very nice, William. Almost haunting!

  2. Looks a wee bit spooky at night :) what an excellent venue for a wedding reception, imagine the photo ops!

  3. These photos give it a sort of haunted look.

  4. Great shots! That lighting does make for some interesting shots. What a great piece of architecture. I really like the windows in the third shot, especially with that soft lighting one the wall.

  5. The night lighting on the walls is certainly enchanting.

  6. The darkness creates its own mood. The photos look like they belong in a mystery murder novel. :)

  7. @Linda: well it has a reputation as haunted.

    @Tomas: thanks!

    @Grace: I can imagine!

    @Sharon: that was the idea.

    @Anita: the architecture really appeals to me.

    @Gemma: it is!

    @Bill: I can see that.

  8. Looks a little spooky, like a dark tale from the Middle Ages!

  9. it's kind of eerie but calming, too.

  10. Interesting shots--especially the last one!

  11. The stained glass is always nice to see.

  12. i just don't have the luck you do with night pics ... love the mysterious glow. neat-O!!! ( ;

  13. @Lowell: well, it does have a castle like feel to it, so that's appropriate.

    @Tex: it's a completely different mood than visiting in daylight.

    @Norma: thank you!

    @Linda: it is, yes. I've photographed that stained glass from inside... this was my first time at night from the outside.

    @Beth: these shots I got lucky with. I usually don't photograph at night, aside from maybe twilight shots.

  14. The MacDonald Building shots were that magical time of nite with the blue of the border on your webpage. Today's photos show that time of night that remind us that it is time to go in. Great capture! So sharp.


  15. Nice evening shots, William. I agree with what is said before me: some are a bit spooky!

  16. We do love night don't we, William :)

  17. Such animals lurking about in the dark! ;-))

  18. Night shots certainly give a different perspective.

  19. It's nice to see a lovely building like this in use after long as the guests don't get attacked by humongous beasts in the night.

  20. Loved the night pictures. A couple made it looked like it was haunted, but the dinosaur was barely discernible to these eyes even when I clicked on it to enlarge it.

  21. These night shots are really neat. The little dinosaur in the last shot looks like a baby.

  22. @Janis: it was probably a twenty minute walk between buildings. That made a difference.

    @Marleen: thanks!

    @Cloudia: I do!

    @RedPat: completely different in daylight.

    @Red: they do.

    @Kay: indeed.

    @Revrunner: thanks!

    @Mari: it was a challenge to photograph.

    @Denise: which it is. Mamas' leg is just visible.

  23. You didn't want to crash the party??!!
