Saturday, February 15, 2020

Chilly Critters

For several years now during Winterlude, snow sculptures can be found at various points along Bank Street in the Glebe neighbourhood. This year is more of the same, with two carvers working on five sculptures. I photographed them over a course of a few days. Animals that are well adapted to the cold was the common theme, and all but one of them residents in Canada. We start with the walrus.

A wolf is to be found in the courtyard outside Fourth Avenue Baptist Church.

Up the street are two penguins.

While down the street at Lansdowne Park, a carver was at work one day on this one, a Canadian lynx.

Here's the finished work, by night and day.

The last of them is at the north end of the neighbourhood. The carver was behind the sculpture in this first view.

A couple of days later the sculpture was finished as I passed by, depicting a white-tailed deer.


  1. ...these are wonderful, a winter festival back home didn't have enough ice so they are using snow. What a strange winter.

  2. Big, big WOW, what else to say. Amazing! Beautiful. Arty.... "Cold" ;-)

  3. Good to see snow even from afar. :-)

  4. Those are wonderful snow sculptures, and so much bigger than I originally thought they were when I saw the one of the Canadian lynx with the man still carving it.

  5. They are all beautiful, but the walrus and the penguins are my favorites.

  6. Hello, I love the critters, they are all well done. Happy weekend to you!

  7. Amazing art, wonderful people can make this!

  8. @Tom: true.

    @Iris: very cold.

    @Gattina: very much so.

    @Revrunner: closer here.

    @Rosemary: they are a good size.

    @Jan: mine is the lynx.

    @Eileen: thank you.

    @Marianne: indeed.

  9. These are magnificent. What an art!

  10. I especially like that walrus! Thanks for sharing. :-)

  11. that Lynx is certainly looking like a "don't mess with me" kind of dude. Love the penguins too. The deer still looks unfinished though.

  12. These are wonderful. The snow must be really dense, William.

  13. Snow sculptures show much more detail with the solid white. So when will they come up with a paint that can be applied to ice sculptures?

  14. That’s quite a job on the antlers.

  15. that wolf is pretty fierce looking and I love the penguins.

  16. @Jeanie: definitely.

    @DJan: you're welcome.

    @Barbara: I can see that, but it was done.

    @Karen: very much so.

    @RedPat: it is, and when they're done, I think they coat it with a bit of water that helps preserve it.

    @Red: you'd have to wonder!

    @Maywyn: definitely.

    @Marie: yes, it is.

    @Sharon: I agree.

  17. Almost as unique as the ice sculptures. The lynx was my favorite. Tweeted.

  18. WOW they are fantastic. Each one was my favorite til I saw the next one.

  19. The Winterlude sculptures are always wonderful to see because of the detail in each one. My favorite in this group was the penguin (of course).

  20. These sculptures never fail to impress me.

  21. Beautiful, very detailed snow sculptures. The sculptors are very talented.

  22. These are very nice. Snow sculptures seem to show detail better in photos than ice.

  23. They are fabulous Andrew, love the chubby walrus 😊

  24. @Mari: thank you!

    @Happyone: thanks!

    @Beatrice: it's a good one.

    @Joanne: I think so too.

    @Catarina: me too.

    @Nancy: they are.

    @Kay: I agree.

    @Grace: so do I.

  25. I always admire snow structures. People are so talented.

  26. Wow! These are awesome snow sculptures and great photos ^_^

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. All the birds and animals are wonderful especially the walrus:)

  28. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G and absolutely beautiful.

    All the best Jan

  29. Can't pick a favourite they are all amazing.
