Friday, October 20, 2023


 Each season I come out to the grounds at the Canadian Museum of Nature to photograph at the west end of the property, where the Landscapes of Canada Gardens are to be found. This area features plants, trees, grasses, and bushes of four distinct ecosystems of the country, starting here with Boreal Forest.

Prairie Grasslands is the next, with the wild grasses of the West growing well during the season. The Museum itself is in the background here.

This was an early morning visit, with mostly cloudy skies.

A sculpture is on the path, a stainless steel iceberg. To either side of it are rocks and plants typical of the next ecosystem, Arctic Tundra. These plants also grow well in the Ottawa summer.

The view from the west edge of the property.

This tree was in full fall colours.

I liked the look of these plants in the Prairie Grassland.

The last ecosystem is Mammoth Steppe, featuring plants of the time of the mammoths that still thrive today. They are around a set of statues of three mammoths alongside the path, leading towards the Museum. In the distance, a scale model of the Moon hangs inside the Queens Lantern.


  1. Impressive sights to think about...

  2. Wonderful series, I love the mammoth. Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  3. Autumn leaves look amazing, at least to my eyes. We don't have any golden/reddish leaves in our garden.

  4. These hardware installations are incredible looking

  5. I love the seasonal photos of that park...and I'd also come often just to talk to the mastodons! They do look lonely.

  6. It is a dreary time in most gardens. The end of the line for the summer plants.

  7. That's a beautiful setting for the museum and nice use of the art.

  8. A mammoth now that is something you would be wary of meeting if they were still around

  9. Beautiful shots! I always like seeing the iceburg sculpture, it's a beauty.

  10. It's always nice to see the surrounding of the Museum of Nature in several seasons.

  11. Me gusta especialmente el edificio del museo

  12. The trees are getting serious about autumn now.

  13. Wonderful series of photos with the seasonal colors and of course, love the mammoth ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. You've got some great captures here, I enjoyed seeing all of your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  15. It's a wonderful structure, like a Scottish castle. Great photos!

  16. Some spectacular photos here William.
