Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Creative Wonders Of Ice

 As I mentioned before the end of the month, I returned to Sparks Street to take in some ice sculptures in the early evening, under coloured lights. That'll wait until we round out this series. I returned to Sparks Street on the last Sunday afternoon of Winterlude to see what was going on. Some of the sculptures I showed you the first time out were gone, others were opaque. But others had been freshly carved, including this.

This one was still standing- we'll get a look at it under coloured lights in a few days.

And this one was still standing, rendered a bit opaque. I find that sculptures with a vertical nature, like this, which is essentially a wall, fare better than those of a horizontal nature, where much of the sculpture is spread out.

This was a new one.

As was this.

A costumed bear was up the street, accompanied by a woman in clothes that hearkened back to older times. I liked the interaction with children- who knew he wasn't really a bear, but were fascinated anyway.

Another large sculpture was being worked on.


  1. I look forward to your ice sculpture series and such a cute scene with the child and the bear.

  2. That's indeed a very nice scene of the bear and the child

  3. Should be called Sparkling Street with such shimmering iciness on display.

  4. My thoughts are rapidly turning from ice to snowdrops in the garden - the floral kind.

  5. Me parece una artística labor y con obras de buen nivel artístico.

  6. The bear with small children is priceless!

  7. I'm always so impressed by these.

  8. That little kid must have been excited to meet the bear. Great pics, William.

  9. These are great shots and I like the bear.

  10. Two things make these carvings great : creativity and skill.

  11. Even if the canal did not open, this part of Winterlude was fun!

  12. These fascinate me, William. Can't wait to see them illuminated

  13. Amazing sculptures and nice to see the children with the bear :)

    All the best Jan

  14. Wonders indeed, an amazing talent creating sculptures from ice.

  15. The clear ice sculptures are. classy.

    I'm sure if I saw that fake bear when I was a kid, I'd still be screaming. I was terrifies of the costumed Easter bunny.

    1. This little one was talking very quietly to the bear.

  16. Artists of consummate artistry!

  17. Wonderful ones!!!! And, oh, the baer - just like the one from my dream with the Orang Utan...

  18. Wonderful ice sculptures and great photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
