Friday, January 12, 2024

From A Time Immemorial

A video projection, narrated in Anishinaabe, with English and French subtitles, tells the story of creation from the Anishinaabe point of view. 

Archaeology tells more of the story. We know there were people in North America at the end of the last Ice Age. How much further back they were here is still a question, but regardless, First Peoples were here for thousands of years.

In the West, the story of the people who made a life there was tied closely to the bison.

A video explores the idea of a buffalo jump, with an elder explaining the process of how bison were driven by hunters towards jumping off a cliff. The most famous of these is Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump, a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Alberta.


  1. That's a really cool experience.

  2. The video projection is looking interesting.

  3. What a cool exhibit, looks fun! Take care, have a great day!

  4. Trying to figure out prehistoric peoples and migrations is fascinating.

  5. ...they certainly were misunderstood by the white Europeans!

    1. Each was as different from each other as they were different from Europeans.

  6. It's amazing to think of people living in those communities for thousands of years, compared to our current "civilization." The good thing about us is that we do have museums to commemorate them.

  7. The migration of people is so intriguing.

  8. The name Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump leaves nothing to the imagination!

  9. That projection looks quite impressive. I like the curved screen.

  10. Fascinating exhibit of the First People and their historical perception ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I do like the projection, looks a great exhibit.

    All the best Jan
