Monday, January 29, 2024

Informed And Shaped By Nature

Another look inside St. Onuphrius.

Quotes on the walls from writers speak to the vastness of the Canadian landscape. One of the things that defines the country and its people is that vast and varied landscape we call home.

Around the back of the church is the Sacristy, a preparation space for the priest. One can look inside.

The back windows allow a view of the area behind the altar screen.

As the 19th century gave way to the 20th century and urban centres developed, social change came along with that to the country as a whole.

In this display case, items of the old Eaton's retail chain, which at that time did much of their business via catalogue.

Social change brought with it things like union organization, temperance, women's rights, and other improvements.

Heading up to the last of the galleries takes us up a long winding ramp that curves around the central hub. A physical relief map of the country is laid out on the floor.


  1. wonderful use of light to accent the architecture. William Aloha

  2. Thanks for the continuation of the tour.

  3. It is a beautiful exhibit and museum. Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  4. Muy buena informaciĆ³n y por ese hermoso recorrido.

  5. The Eaton’s catalogue days don’t seem so long ago.

  6. I like the views into the church. Too bad that Eaton's is gone.

    1. Timothy would be displeased by what his descendants did to his legacy.

  7. Lovely photos of views into the church ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  8. A good set of photos of this historic church. Have a great day.

  9. There's a lot to see in that little space.

  10. The details in the church are especially lovely.

  11. You definitely have a huge diverse country. I know so little about it.

  12. The church is lovely with many details.

  13. Your photographs show the Church very well.

    All the best Jan
