Saturday, January 13, 2024

Life In The Boreal Forest

The highly detailed model of the buffalo jump is fascinating to look out, and I find you see more things each time you come to see it. 

Nothing was wasted. The bison were well used by those who held them with such reverence.

In the Maritimes, life was tied to the sea.

Tools seen here would have been used in making canoes for being out on the ocean.

Much of the country fell under the Boreal Forest, and still does. First Nations peoples made a life in this realm.

Some of the tools they would have used are seen here.

North of Lake Superior, a cache of their goods was recovered at the shore of Lake Nipigon.

The far north was a place of inhospitable climates. In time, various First Peoples would inhabit it in successive waves.

A small object is displayed here with high honours- one of the oldest depictions of a human face in North America, the face of a woman.


  1. We also have Buffalo jumps here in South Dakota. They have an interesting history.

  2. Sadly much of the Boreal Forest was burned to a crisp last year.

  3. Very interesting. I don´t think today´s people could come up with tools by themselves anymore...

  4. One of my favorite exhibits. Take care, have a great weekend.

  5. First Nations have a lot to teach us when we are finally ready to listen.

  6. I recall out visit to Head-Smashed-In Buffalo Jump.

  7. ...I've been watch Ken Burn's show about Buffalo on PBS. What a sad history.

  8. Interesting exhibit to see, William.

  9. There is a lot to learn about in museums! That's why I love them.

  10. So much wonderful info here and beauty ~ great exhibit ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Interesting post, the buffalo jump is still impressive.

  12. Looks an excellent exhibit, the buffalo jump amazing.

    All the best Jan
