Thursday, February 29, 2024

Concluding The Evening Along The Canal Skateway

 Carrying on where I left off yesterday, another look at the Flora Bridge.

I zoomed in for this.

I carried on. A small stone arch bridge carries Queen Elizabeth Drive over an offspur of the Canal called Patterson Creek. This spot is open for skaters.

Another glimpse back at Flora.

The next bridge was ahead- the Pretoria Bridge.

Along the east side of the Canal, seen through the trees, is a Catholic high school.

A final look back at the Flora Bridge.

And on I went.

The Pretoria Bridge is a table bridge at the north end of the Glebe and Old Ottawa East, linking the two neighbourhoods. It's over a century old, dating to 1915. A table bridge is one where the centre section can be elevated as needed to allow for the passage of taller boats. It takes its name from the street it's on, which was itself named in honour of veterans of the South African War.

I looked back before heading up the stairs and departing the Canal. I will return to the Winterlude series after the theme day.


  1. The Bridge is undoubtedly eye-catching.

  2. I did now know that it was called a table bridge in English. We have quite a few of them in Stockholm. One of them stopped working for several hours just a couple of days ago. I saw photos of pedestrians and cyclists waiting for it to come down again. This is a nice walk.

    1. There's another term for it. On rare occasions it goes up snd doesn't come back down

  3. A very well made bridge there. I would love to stroll along the river

  4. I am drawn to the small stone arch bridge. The Flora Bridge does not appeal to me close up but from a distance it seems like a welcome beacon. Would love to do that walk!

  5. Lovely night time photos, I love the bridge! Take care, have a great day!

  6. ...all good things come to an end.

  7. I wonder if the bridges are lighted when there isn't ice on the river! They are so beautiful at night, I imagine they are, providing wonderful reflections on the water.

  8. It was lovely to see the canal at night, William.

  9. Interesting series of night time shots.

  10. You had fun with your camera out on the ice at night.

  11. George, seeing the sites and how far you walked. Thanks for explaining about a table bridge also. Appreciate it. William, Aloha

  12. So many lovely and different bridges:)

  13. Familiar, wonderful sights. Thank you, again. So sad it is closed.

  14. Beautiful place to 'end the night' ~ great shots too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Great night time photographs.

    All the best Jan
