Tuesday, August 1, 2023

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Garden

The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For August, that theme is Garden. See how others are interpreting this theme right here.

I am in the midst of a series from the Canadian Museum of Nature, one of several national museums in the national capital area. The shots today were actually the first I took on a visit in early July, but held back for the theme. At the west end of the property is the Landscapes of Canada Gardens, which presents plants, grasses, shrubs, trees, and flowers from four distinct ecosystems in the country. I photograph the Gardens each season, and so now it is time for a summer view. I approached from the southwest corner, where Boreal Forest awaits.

Low lying shrubs here caught my eye this time out.

Prairie Grasslands is the next area, with the grasses and flowers of the western region growing like mad during an Ottawa summer.

They were starting to obstruct the view of the Museum itself.

A sculpture crosses the trail- an iceberg rendered in steel, by the late artist and inventor Bill Lishman.

A look to the left among the rocks finds plants and flowers of the third ecosystem- Arctic Tundra. These caught my eye too. Likewise, these plants grow very well in an Ottawa summer.

A look back at the Museum and across the Prairie Grasslands.

From the west side of the property, another view of the iceberg and Arctic Tundra vegetation.

I carried on along the path.

This view again of the grasslands- some of which were getting as tall as me.

The last ecosystem circles around a set of sculptures- Mammoth Steppe. A family of three mammoths has plants and flowers growing around it that were growing in the time these animals existed, in the wake of the last ice age. The glass tower in the background features a scale model of the Moon.


  1. The museum looks splendid set amongst the green oasis.

  2. An excellent way of seeing the different ecosystems in your country.

  3. I love the elephant statues being quite a stunning display

  4. Despite the Canadian heat the garden looks great and green.

  5. Everything looks verdant and lovely, William.

  6. Pretty views of the garden and sculptures. Take care, have a great day!

  7. Now that is quite some impressive garden.

  8. These are beautiful photos William, of a truly wonderful garden.

  9. ...natural gardens are the rage these days.

  10. I love that fourth photo of the museum. The real icebergs still are in the waters off Newfoundland this late in the season.

  11. I was hoping that you would show these gardens, William. Lovely.

    1. It was time for a summer look. Besides, this theme selection made visiting the Museum as a whole a good idea.

  12. You got a lot of garden views with a few extras tossed in.

  13. Beautiful garden and beautiful museum.

  14. Lovely place ~ wonderful sculptures ~ especially the elephants ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. That's a beautiful garden full of all kinds of plants.

  16. You visited the only garden with some Mammoths! THanks for sharing.

  17. La preciosidad, de la fachada del museo, se aprecia bastante bien, en tus fotografías.

  18. What fun to see these gardens that represent different ecosystems. I'm impressed by the prairie grass garden. Our state was all prairie at one time, and a few pieces of prairie still remain, but not very much. Thank you for your comments on my blog. I alway enjoy what you have to say.

  19. Lovely takes for the garden theme.

  20. Nice scenery great with the mammuth.

  21. I love how the museums there actually have property outdoors as well as the museum. It's lovely.

  22. Very nice collection of photos. Thanks for the words about Wiggy.

  23. This area looks amazing, thank you for sharing it William!
