Sunday, August 13, 2023

Ocean Going

 Whales, which grow to such great sizes, do so because of the buoyancy of water.

A set of three models, each with a model of a person for size comparison, is here. The blue whale is the largest animal on the planet.

The colossal squid is the heaviest invertebrate on the planet.

And the whale shark, the largest fish around, is a gentle giant.

Panels look more at how swimmers in the ocean function. 

This display features a cutaway of a blue whale skeleton, to show how much blubber surrounds the skeleton.

Another angle on the actual skeleton of the blue whale.

Above, models of beluga whales.

The path leads into an area on freshwater life. A terrarium features a spotted turtle.


  1. I learned from this post! Thanks William Aloha

  2. They have found a beautiful visual way to show the sizes of humans and animals in the museum.

  3. And to think that we have polluted the oceans so much that when dead Beluga Whales wash ashore in the Gulf of St. Lawrence they are cordoned off as hazardous waste. We are expert in ruining a good thing - like life itself.

  4. Love the whale exhibit. Take care, have a wonderful week!

  5. ...we are insignificant in the grand scheme of things.

  6. Fishing here shuts down now when blue whales are in the area. There is an effort to save them.

  7. sea critters are just so amazing. not been to an aquarium in yrs. have a great Sunday and enjoy this coming up week. take care. ( ;

  8. The size of these creatures is amazing.

  9. Frustrating things about whales is that they are difficult to see. I saw them from a helicopter once. Surprising how active they are.

  10. An intriguing 'Ocean Going exhibit and great photos

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Las he podido ver en vivo en una exhibición de delfines y ballena. Todos estaban bien adiestrados.

  12. A fantastic exhibit, the spotted turtle is one I had never seen before.
