Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Abyss

Hanging overhead in this part of the gallery is a model of a sea turtle.

Life in the great depths of the ocean is examined as well.

I like getting this perspective shot through the skeleton of the blue whale.

Arthropods can be found throughout the world's oceans, a vastly diverse group of animals.

A display recreating a deep sea vent is found here, with life that is quite alien to our eyes.

A panel and life sized model looks at an ungainly fish- the Common Mola.

Here we see more arthropods.

And invertebrates of the seas- including starfish.


  1. I find under the sea is amazing but at you say a little alien to our eyes.

  2. Love the sea turtle in the first pic

  3. Life is a wonder. Sad how "we"/some of us treat it.

  4. It is amazing when we see creatures from the deep, probably a lot more down there that no one has seen yet.

  5. Wonderful views of the sea creatures. I love the sea turtle. Take care, enjoy your day!

  6. Imagine what it’s like to be a sea turtle whose living space is polluted more each day and the beaches where it lays its eggs are filled with humans slathering on sunblock while they drink their pina coladas. Oh, and they leave trash behind too and that makes it’s way to the ocean, and…….

  7. Nice shot of the skeleton of the blue whale.
    It's a strange and mysterious world down there.

  8. Buenas especies marinas y vegetales hay en esas vitrinas, para el conocimiento de las gentes que vayan a visitarla.

  9. ...looking through the skeleton of the blue whale is neat.

  10. Great to see a collection of under-the-sea brought up to our viewpoint.

  11. That Common Mola is certainly unusual.

  12. I saw lots of these things recently in California.

  13. How I have wished to see a sea turtle on a beach…no luck!

  14. Sea Turtle is a favorite ~ great series ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  15. Pictures 5 and 7 look like match sticks to me.

  16. Fascinating exhibit. The perspective shot of the blue whale is very arty.

  17. See turtles are so lovely creatures, don't get to see many of them here
