Thursday, August 11, 2016

A Ceremony By Sunset

The Beat Retreat ceremony carries on while the sun slowly starts to set on Parliament Hill. Among the music this year being played by the bands were arrangements of music from the Star Wars films- the Imperial theme is particularly effective when played by brass bands. I decided to record a couple of performances, which can be heard at the links. The national anthems of Germany and Canada were played as well during the lowering of the flag set on the lawn. And the centerpiece, musically speaking, of the entire ceremony is a brass and drums arrangement of the 1812 Overture by the company, along with the cannons and the bells of the Peace Tower. When the ceremony is complete, the entire mass of the military bands march off the lawn and are dismissed. It makes for a wonderful occasion, and we had ideal weather for it.


  1. Lovely series, William! Sunset/dusk is my favourite time of day! :)

  2. Glorious moment, sunset and playing

  3. Sunset is an ideal time to shoot. Beautiful images William!

  4. @Linda: it is a good time of day.

    @Orvokki: I hope the videos bring that across too.

    @Tomas: thanks!

    @Bill: thank you.

    @Marianne: thanks!

  5. Almost looks like a movie set, those first few.

  6. The lighting makes these photos special!


  7. A lot goes into formal ceremony. as in this ceremony there's lots of tradition and history behind it.

  8. You managed to capture the evening light very well.

  9. The lights of the city are starting to appear. Love that flash of plaid in the last shot.

  10. @Whisk: thanks!

    @Janis: and it came on at just the right time, too.

    @Red: there really is. It's fascinating to watch it.

    @Marleen: thank you!

    @Sharon: thanks!

  11. Very impressive ceremony and it was, as if obvious, a gorgeous night. Love night digital photography!

  12. i love how it is uplighted, is that even a word? any who i think you know what i mean!! giggles! i enjoy their outfits, wonder how warm they are?

  13. Thrilling! Must have been so cool to be there!

  14. You not only had good weather for the event you also had a beautiful, stately setting. It looks perfect.

  15. @Lowell: it's a wonderful ceremony to take in.

    @Beth: I liked that effect too. I took some more evening shots from this occasion, including around a building you see in the last couple of wide shots, but I'm leaving them for posts next month.

    @Cloudia: it was. I really enjoy this event.

    @RedPat: it's a lot of fun to come see.

    @Kay: the evening before, ironically, the whole thing had been called off because of rain.

  16. Nice. Down here we associate the 1812 Overture with our Fourth of July (Independence Day).

  17. Very nice setting for this ceremony and concert. I specially love the fact that "1812 Ouverture" was played live.

    1. Something of a different arrangement, as there's no string section.
