Thursday, November 30, 2023

Changing Seasons Upon The Ottawa River

It is a tradition for me to come out to the Portage Bridge twice a month to photograph the view downstream on the Ottawa River through various seasons. I choose a spot that's roughly where the provincial border between Quebec and Ontario goes through. Gatineau is on the left, and landmarks in these shots include the Alexandra Bridge, Kiweki Point, the National Gallery, Notre Dame, Parliament Hill, and the Supreme Court. 

I start with this view taken early in March, when the ice was still downstream. The ice does not fully form here, as the water is too swift, but it builds up below the Hill.

Later in the month, on a similar sunny day, this was the view. You can see a difference a few days can make on the ice.

In April, for a number of reasons, I didn't get out here until mid-month. By then, the ice was gone and the river was running swift, swollen with spring run off.

Late in the month, this was how things looked on a brooding morning, with the river still swift and turbulent.

By mid-May, this was how things looked.

Towards the end of the month, another bright day.

Over the course of the summer, we had problems with smoke from forest fires drifting into the area from places not that far away, creating significant problems for breathing. You could smell the smoke, and see the haze caused by it. In the middle of June, this was the view.

Late in the months, things were clearer, on a brooding kind of day.

In the middle of July, I returned.

At the end of that month, I came at sunset. A rainbow was seen over the Hill.

In August, I didn't get out this way until the second half of the month. 

This was how things looked a few days later.

In the second half of September, I was back near sunset.

On the last day of that month, I returned in the morning.

Mid-October saw things looking like this.

Late in the month, I returned on a brooding kind of day. We'll do this again down the line.


  1. That final sky is mesmerizing. I love the many faces of the waters. Thank you William. Aloha

  2. Have different they all look. The skies are really interesting in the later months.

  3. The year flies by even faster like this...

  4. Beautiful views of the river and sky. Love the sunset and rainbow. Take care, have a great day!

  5. Beauty pic taken at the end of July. Sunset, clouds, buildings........

  6. It is nice to live in a country with different seasons, we also have four seasons here.

  7. The final photo with the autumn tree colours complimenting that brooding sky is my favourite.

  8. Delightful series of beautiful photos!

  9. I always enjoy these series that you do, William.

    1. I enjoy showing them. My other series will be requiring an adjustment, as I found out yesterday.

  10. Lovely series showing how different the same scene can look in different seasons. Good post today.

  11. Gorgeous river photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. Good series of posts. We need series to show us change.

  13. The seasonal changes show up beautifully.

  14. Beautiful views and photos, William. Great job!

  15. Gorgeous photos.
    There's a painting there.

  16. An excellent series as the seasons turn.

  17. I enjoy all the seasons and glad I live in a place with all the seasons.
    So nice to see the same scene in all the different times.

  18. The snow gets a different look on the river bank

  19. Wonderful series of the ever changing views over the Ottawa River.

  20. The forest fires had slipped my mind.

  21. Beautiful views you've shared, the last one is my favourite.

    All the best Jan

  22. Wonderful contrasts through the year:)

  23. This is a fun chronicle, William. I love a tradition like that!
