Wednesday, November 15, 2023

An Estate Finale

 One last shot today from the Abbey at the Mackenzie King estate.

I headed back for where I'd come from, passing by the garage, which is adjacent to the main house at Moorside.

Farewell to Moorside.

Mackenzie King left a huge legacy behind for the country, giving us multiple institutions and guiding the country through the Depression and the Second World War. No one else dominated the first half of the century in this country but him.

He would pave the way for his successor, Louis St. Laurent, and retire to his estate. He had personally brought St. Laurent into politics.

The path led me back towards the parking lot.

I had to get some of the colours here.

On the shuttle bus back to Ottawa, a rare selfie from me, looking very much like the Unabomber.


  1. Thank you, this was a very interesting and beautiful journey - also nice to meet you :-)

  2. Even more beautiful if visited in the autumn colours.

  3. The fall colors are looking beautiful, love the house. Great selfie. Take care, have a great day!

  4. ...your beard is getting white since I've seen you!

    1. Stress will do that. I went through a situation of severe stress in the fall of 2019. Because of Covid, getting the resolution to it took longer than I'd have liked. In the end, I got justice and revenge all at once. But the stress of a few weeks took a big toll.

  5. It was a nice sight seeing on the domain.

  6. I will miss this series of posts, William. I loved every single one and as I said before, perhaps someday I'll see this place myself! Loved the unabomber photo!

  7. I would be happy living in that little place above the garage. It must have a great view.

  8. Great tour. I enjoyed your photos.

  9. Thanks for the wonderful tour, William.

  10. I've enjoyed this tour, thanks. Your selfie is a bit foreboding, don't you think? I'm sure that behind the shades you've got perceptive eyes, which have taken all these photos for your blog!

  11. Well, that last remark made me laugh but so nice to see a photo of you. I've enjoyed these photos very much.

  12. Great Estate Finale photos ~ especially the 'selfie.' ~ Still love that house!

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  13. Good to see the man behind the wit! Aloha William

  14. The last photo is my favourite. Lol of the unabomber.

  15. Hermoso recorrido , a través de tus bellas fotografías.

  16. It is a great location. It is wonderful getting outdoors!
    You do look a bit scary!

  17. Thanks for educating us about MacKenzie King and his influence on politics. And, yes, you do look like the Unibomber.

  18. I could take many versions of that first photo. It is a great view.
