Monday, March 6, 2017

Day And Night Along The Canal Skateway

I took these shots looking east and west from the Bank Street Bridge over the Canal while the ice was open for skaters one day.

These shots date back to the second to last evening that the Canal was open for skaters, down at the south end of Dow's Lake. A sign includes the pathway of the Canal skateway- this location on the map is at the left, where you see the loop going up from the main part of the course.

Aside from a skate changing shelter and a few eateries on the ice here, there was also a fire burning.

This, caught in evening light, is a small sleigh you can rent up at the pavilion at the north end of the lake. It's handy if you've got a couple of kids, or an adult, who don't skate themselves. A skater can simply push the sleigh along the ice.

I figured I'd include one of the Beavertails signs, which includes the various ways you can eat the pastry.

And this shows the line of eateries and the shelters here.


  1. Nice, William! There is nothing better than a nice cup of hot chocolate and/or a good meal by a fireplace on a chilly winter day!

  2. The fireplace will be a welcoming sight in a cold night.

  3. A fireplace must feel very comfortable in cold evenings.

  4. i saw a treat ... we need a taste test asap!! looks like something that had to be tried, maybe shared? ( ;

  5. I'm envious of your winter scenes William, must be so much fun getting all rugged up in coats, gloves and scarves and hang out watching the skaters.. never going to happen here ☺

  6. Canada: Big Skies - Big Hearts - Big Pastry! <3

  7. At this time of year, I need a coat to go out after the sun goes down so I can't even imagine playing on the ice after dark. It's a good thing I live in the desert.

  8. Any post you do on skating on the canal is interesting to me.

  9. @Linda: you can work up an appetite skating!

    @Nancy: definitely!

    @Marianne: it is.

    @Francisco: thank you.

    @Beth: the treat is tasty!

    @Grace: you definitely have to dress for it.

    @Cloudia: indeed!

    @Sharon: I love being out on that ice, even though I can't skate!

    @Red: I enjoy featuring it in all seasons.

  10. Even in the cold, people stand in line for food :-)

  11. Wouldn't it be a great place for a hockey game?

  12. Being outside in the cold makes hungry! And it must be nice to eat something warm :)

  13. It's so cool, that you can skate on canal. In my part of Poland we used to have heavy winters and eg natural ponds were frozen, even the see freezed in the past. But the climate changes and we have to use artificial ice rinks... It's fun, but it's not the same...

  14. What a great place for skating, meeting friends, eating, or just goofing around!

  15. i'm torn between maple and cinnamon and sugar so i'll take both and go sit by the fire :)

  16. I could spend a lot of time just watching those skaters!

  17. @Jennifer: this time of year, you'd have to go to the one downtown, which of course stays open through the year.

    @Whisk: very good food, at that.

    @RedPat: I know that on occasion, NHL players have spent time on the Canal.

    @Marleen: it is!

    @Klara: a lot of people from other parts of the world come for the very purpose of skating this canal.

    @Lowell: it is, yes.

    @Tanya: both are very good!

    @Revrunner: you'd think that would be a bad combination.

    @Lois: I enjoy seeing people using the canal.

  18. I certainly understand why the have shelters, eateries, and a fire.

  19. It's nice to see how many people are out enjoying the canal.
    I think there may be U.S. versions of the beavertails (really, how can a person resist a piece of fried batter?) variously called elephant ears or Indian tacos. And, of course, Native Americans have fry bread.

  20. Nice job on the night photography!

  21. That looks like a lot of fun! And it has a place to eat and get warm.

  22. I'd be sticking close to that fire!

  23. @Mari: they're handy to have from place to place on the ice.

    @Kay: I love the beavertails.

    @Linda: thank you!

    @Pat: a whole lot of fun.

    @Norma: the fire is warm.
