Wednesday, September 6, 2023

A Mix Of Sights In The City

 I mentioned yesterday how unsettled our summer has been. Certainly July and August saw a good amount of rain. This first shot, taken on Bank Street looking downtown one morning, had a dark sky, after a night of rain.

This one, taken in Centretown one evening, had a similar sensibility.

One day in early August I was at Lansdowne Park and met this cat. It's a neighbourhood cat, one I've seen in the area a few blocks away.

More of these summer bush blooms, this one outside of Fourth Avenue Baptist Church in the Glebe.

This car was just up the street. I'm not one for sports cars, but I'll stop and photograph one like this.

A night shot. The stadium at Lansdowne looking from the west side over a dark playing surface.

I took this in Centretown. A home there has these metal flowers arranged around its porch.

More of those ominous skies. This is taken in Chinatown, with the Arch in the background.

August and September is the time of sunflowers in Ottawa. This one is outside Abbotsford House, a senior's community centre in the Glebe.

And I finish with two night shots, taken at Lansdowne Park, featuring the north stands of the stadium at left and the Aberdeen Pavilion at right, taken with my phone.

I switched settings to a night setting, and got this- including stars in the night sky.


  1. You really show how beautiful Ottawa is. My brother who emigrated to Edmonton years ago says that Canada is what the states used to be. I think he's right. Beautiful to live in a civilized country. Enjoy it and protect it. But don't despair about the USA. I have a feeling things may work out to the good... Aloha

  2. I always like to cross paths with a cat on secret cat business. Love the moody skies.

  3. Probably devotes more attention to that car than he does to his wife.

  4. A nice variety of looks in the city!

  5. Wonderful, it's like a virtual walk around in Ottawa during night and day.

  6. Great series, I love the sunflower and the metal flowers. Cute kitty and lovely night sky photos. Take care, have a great day!

  7. Yeah, that car was worth a stop and a click.

  8. Great car and wonderful night shot. I like the flowers, too...

  9. I understand why filmmakers wet down streets. They do add to a shot for sure. Love that first photo.

  10. ...the Jaguar is a piece of art!

  11. That was a lovely walkabout!
    We found it a really emotional summer. I think we are getting better, but it has been tough.

  12. The flowers and the cars shots are my favourties today!

  13. Love the old sports car, kept in good shape too..and flowers, whether metal which will stay pretty even in snows, or the cheerful sunflowers!

  14. Love that last shot with the stars in the sky.

  15. Weather certainly sends lots of interesting skies.

  16. Interesting photos from around town. :)

  17. Wonderful series of out door photos of the area ~ sweet kitty photo and awesome night shots ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  18. A nice look around town. The Lansdowne Park night shots are beautiful, I really like them.

  19. Great shot! We need some of that rain.

  20. Malo es la ausencia de lluvias y malo son también las lluvias torrenciales, como las que han caído recientemente en Madrid y el Toledo.

  21. There is a lot I enjoyed about this series of photos! We are in for a lot of rain this week.

  22. That car is fantastic! I wonder who restored it.

  23. I'm loving the old car, looks like it's been very well looked after

  24. That certainly is a good looking car.

    All the best Jan
