Wednesday, September 27, 2023

May The Force Be With You

Ottawa has Comiccon in early September, and of course I went. I go mostly for merchandise and the photo ops that such an event includes, but the event includes panel discussions, cosplay, celebrity guests, and much more. It was busy, and got more so as I was inside.

A most elusive fellow was, oddly enough, easily found. I did not see Carmen Electra, however.

Display cases included some rather dangerous looking items, some definitely from science fiction. I contemplated buying a steel reproduction of Thor's hammer. Maybe next year.

Close by, business cards for this establishment were in the head of this little Groot, from Guardians of the Galaxy. The Groot in the comics at present is planet sized and consuming entire planets. It's a long story.

The 501st Legion is a Star Wars cosplayer group, and of course they were here- with members in costume as well as a few droids running about. Including the most foul mouthed character in movie history, whose every word has been bleeped out.

Darth Vader having a rest before going on a walkabout to Force-choke an admiral who's failed him for the last time.

There was a moment with Artoo that I found hilarious. The droid rolled up to a baby in a stroller. As the parents looked on, the droid beeped and chirped. The baby just stared in total fascination.


  1. A walk in the woods is more to my liking.

  2. Haven't been introduced to them !!

  3. A few of my favorite things! Waldo, Thor's hammer and Groot.

  4. Interested, but I'm a trekkie! Live long and prosper.

  5. My whole family seems to be Star War fans, they love these characters. Take care, have a great day!

  6. The baby will see a lot of droids in his lifetime I bet!

  7. What a fun seeing all the characters. When they do it in Tampa/St. Petersburg, my daughter-in-law sells her macarons...decorated appropriately. I know my son, and his kids, have been visitors at comicons, wearing their costumes of course.

  8. I've never been to a comicon but this looks fun.

  9. Looks like you had fun, William.

  10. The robotics section must have been fun!

  11. I prefer staying outside in the nature, but if you like it, it's okay!

  12. That must be a lot of fun. Good photos. Thor's hammer, you could make your pretend own with a tea box.

  13. What a fun event and great photos ~ Waldo is funny ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Muy interesante, todo lo que he visto en tus fotografías.

  15. Looks like a really fun outing.

  16. Definitely fun! Great photos William!

  17. I woul be totally lost in there, not knowing anything about the movies or tv shows, but I have seen one or two Star Wars movies.

  18. Wally looks very cool, amazing how popular he is

  19. Looks a fun event, I enjoyed your photographs.

    All the best Jan

  20. That baby will never be the same! Aloha
