Saturday, September 30, 2023

Odds, Ends, And Orion In A National Capital

 I have some odds and ends for you today. I start with these two shots taken one night this month at Lansdowne Park, where the crescent moon was rising in the east over the stadium. The next day or so would be the new moon.

I'm starting to develop a habit of buying novelty socks. This is the latest pair.

It's been a season for sunflowers. These are in Chinatown.

I came across this one day and picked it up. The Euro isn't terribly imaginative as money goes. Maybe I'm used to our Canadian bills. And yes, I could trade it in at a bank, but instead it ended up in a mug where I keep a few bits of foreign currency for absolutely no reason.

One evening I went off in search of groceries a few blocks away. There were some brooding skies, and soon after I got home, the storm broke.

And these are from a few nights back. I was back at Lansdowne, where the aftermath of a music festival was still to be found. Here on the east side of the property, I looked up at a familiar constellation- Orion. I wondered if my phone, on night settings, could capture it. And sure enough, it did. I was pleased. The constellation appears in northern skies in the fall and winter, and features some of the brightest stars in the night sky. 

Near where I took the above shot, the Aberdeen Pavilion, with stars visible in the sky.

Over on the west side of the stadium, another go at Orion came out well as it showed above the south stands.

The reason I was out here in the middle of the night? Nearby, where the Rideau Canal cuts through the city. On the far shore is the cupola of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. Orion is above it. I came here for a reason we'll look at tomorrow for the theme day.


  1. Your nighttime photos showing Orion are impressive. A great series of this and that photos. I love those socks! Looking forward to your theme day photos.

  2. This reminds me that I need to check out any new items from Happy Socks.

  3. Very arty first pics and I LOVE your socks!
    The sunflowers cry and stand up for Ukraine worldwide it seems.
    Please show some Canadian money sometime (I could google, I know).
    Wow on Orion. Curious what to find tomorrow.

    1. I'll keep it in mind for another odds and ends post.

  4. Gives a whole new meaning to being Canadian from head to toe.

  5. Pretty moon photo. The socks are cute. I love the sunflowers, beautiful photos. Have a great weekend.

  6. The Aberdeen Pavilion is so photogenic, and I approve of the wild socks.

  7. ...William, lovely night photos, soemthing that I never have done well.

  8. Well done with the photos of the stars. I've never been able to manage that for several reasons!
    The socks are wonderful!

  9. I love the shots of Orion. It is hard to see many stars here with all the light from the city.

  10. Brooding skies and you make your trip very quickly as you don't when things might happen.

  11. Beautiful photos especially the night one. Great shooting, William.

  12. Ese billete, que te has encontrado, es uno de los que utilizo normalmente en mi país. Me gusta las fotografías nocturnas que has hecho.

  13. lovely series of photos and always awesome night shots ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Great night time photos and love your novelty socks. :)

  15. 20 euros, that's a lot of money, you know. You can really buy something fun with that here. I enjoyed your star photos, and your header is incredibly beautiful.

    1. Every month, a package of new socks arrives for my son. He loves it.

    2. I've since then bought yet another pair.

  16. Like the series of photos that showcase a variety of life scenes. Orion is not something I get to see from Southern Hemisphere.

  17. I enjoyed the mix here William and I like those socks.

    All the best Jan

  18. Love the socks! The sunflowers ushered a happy vibe.

  19. I love fun socks! If you can't have fun with your socks, where can you have fun? And those sunflowers rock!

  20. Love the socks. I buy novelty socks occasionally too.
