Friday, September 1, 2023

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Bottle

 The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For September, that theme is Bottle. Check out how others are interpreting the theme right here.

Bottle Works is a charitable venture, picking up empties from restaurants and other businesses, all in support of Operation Come Home, an organization that works with street youths. This truck was parked near the organization's offices downtown.

For the most part, however, this theme day stymied me, so I took the easy way out. The LCBO is the primary liquor retail outlet in Ontario, a government crown corporation selling alcohol in retail stores- some Canadian, others from abroad. I decided to take photographs of window displays at a downtown location. I'll defer to others as to what these might taste like, as I don't drink at all.

Mind you, this one is a good label design.


  1. The shopkeepers did not confiscate your camera?

  2. ...I'l stick with tap water, thanks.

  3. Cool idea with the truck. Nice design, too.

  4. Hello,
    It is great the truck goes around picking up the empties. Take care, enjoy your day and happy weekend.

  5. Gee, William, I’m not sure we can trust people who don’t drink wine. Good wine, in combination with good food, is a hallmark of civilization!

  6. I have to wonder about the economics about owning a truck to pick up bottles for charity.

    1. They must collect enough that the truck is warranted.

  7. I haven't seen that many bottles since a while.
    One glass of wine a day keeps the doctor away.

    1. I am sitting outside an LCBO waiting on a bus as I write this.

  8. Returning empties can bring in a lot of money. That is a good idea for the charities.

  9. Wonderful initiative of trucking empty bottles for charity.

  10. That Bottle Works is a great idea.

  11. I like the Bottle Works program, it's a wonderful idea.

  12. A wonderful selection and perfect for the theme!

  13. Fun! Play on the meme William. You really ran away with it! Aloha!

  14. That looks like a splendid array of bottles…. Brands that I’ve never heard of.

  15. Wow ~ Very creative bottles and photos ~

    Thanks for your birthday wishes for Ziggy ~ he had 'his kind of day' ~ walks and treats ~ lol ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Por aquí hay distintos contenedores, para recoger los residuos de nuestras viviendas. Está el de la basura orgánica, papeles y cartón, vidrio y depósito para el aceite. También hay contenedores ,para la ropa, que se encuentre bien conservada.

  17. Quite the selection of tipples here William.

  18. I don't drink either but sounds like a worthy organization.
