Friday, September 29, 2023

Cosplay, Bombshells, And Artistic Work

These masks caught my eye at Comiccon.

Cosplayers are all over the place, and this trio looked good- Psylocke and Wolverine of the X-Men, and Kylo Ren from Star Wars.

Michael Myers stopped when he saw me. I have that same mask at home. Should have bought blue overalls and worn the mask.

This dress caught my eye. This appears to be done based on the DC Bombshells concept, an alternate reality series with heroines set in the Second World War. This one is the Batwoman's look.

At right, the Wonder Woman of the Bombshells design. The dress at left is a show stopper of its own.

More from this vendor.

Two very different cosplayers. The woman on the left was my favourite of all the cosplayers I saw, with a plague mask and fanciful formal dress.

Kylo Ren and Spider-Man- an odd combination. I've always preferred the black costume Spider-Man.

I thoroughly enjoyed Comiccon, and came away from it with a good deal of merchandise. That included this Tribble, on my desk at home.

I added to my graphic novels collection, now at two and a half shelves. I'm going to need another book shelf at some point.

And I finish with three prints by the artist Geof Isherwood, who I chatted with. Galactus is at left, with Conan and some of his women in the middle. The black suited Spider-Man is at right. I do like chatting with the artists or creative talents at these things, such as buying a couple of graphic novels from Ed Brisson, a Marvel writer who's been doing some Predator books for the company. Buying prints is a given as well.

Until next year, when presumably I'll have another bookshelf.


  1. Love that squid-mask. To a new bookshelf then.

  2. William I am so envious of you going there. I think I would be in there all day if it were me. Awesome

  3. I missed the whole Star wars time, my son was too old for that and I was not interested in !

  4. Fun times, looks like you came home with some goodies. Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Love these masks. The whole gang posing for you too. Fabulous

  6. Love the costumes. What a fun way to play as an adult.

  7. So happy to see the Tribble at its new home!

  8. I know none of these characters.

  9. Lots of costumes and masks, something for every fan.

  10. Fantasy take me away! Hello Aloha William

  11. What a fun time you had and great photos too ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  12. That's a lovely book collection.
    You really seem to have had a great time!

  13. Wow! What a great view in that header!

  14. WOW, I was surprised to see how many people dress up. The costumes are incredible.
