Sunday, April 21, 2024


 We begin today with an abstract painting that caught my eye, That Blue, by Kelly Rendek, whose work we saw yesterday.

An astonishing work, large in size, hung on its own. Sarah Tompkins, another graduate of the art program at the University of Ottawa, created Now The Air Is So Filled With Ghosts/ That No One Knows How To Escape Them.

It's an abstract painting, which normally doesn't work for me, but this one mesmerized me. 

A look out from a window here towards the University of Ottawa.

These are collectively called Getting To Know You, a triptych painting by Heer Mandaliya, who I started this off with.

Another of her works- Baithak.

And another, this being Unnoticed- I.

This triptych set is her Unnoticed II. 

I headed out of the first gallery to a lower level, having had found the works of all three artists captivating. A patio down here is still locked for the winter, but offers good views. And one can photograph from the inside.

This staircase heading down to the other main entrance once stood in the Firestone home. The Firestones left their collection of their art to the province in order for it to be publicly accessible, and it ended up being presented to the city. Much of the Firestone Collection is managed by the OAG.


  1. I do like the "unnoticed one" - it has a bit of a vintage vibe to it.

  2. That abstract work reminds me of a painting that my parents bought somewhere and hung in our livingroom. I probably spent hours looking at it trying to figure out whatcm it was I was looking at.

  3. ...I enjoy the architecture more than than the art!

  4. Completely understand being memsmerized by a painting! It happened to me with Lauren Harris's North Shore, Lake Superior. How do you feel about ghosts?

  5. Much as I try I cannot get to love abstract art.

  6. Always good to see what is being shown in an art gallery.

  7. I like the look of the patio which would be a nice place for a break while viewing the art.

  8. That second abstract is a beauty!

  9. Some art we like . Some art we don't like. But I hope all of it makes us think.

  10. Pretty cool how they were able to incorporate those stairs.

  11. It's always nice to see different styles of art.

    All the best Jan
