Friday, December 24, 2021


I returned on a Sunday morning to Lansdowne to visit the farmer's market. This is the main market in the city, and carries on through the year. During the months from November into April, the farmers are inside, with an emphasis on local growers. During the warmer weather they're outdoors on the north side, in Aberdeen Square. The weather on this morning was clear, sunny, and cool. 

I stopped briefly in the Christmas market in the square. It wasn't open for business yet, but some vendors were getting organized for a ten AM start. The previous night, a windstorm had blown through the Ottawa Valley. It was probably the remnants of that system of tornadoes in the American mid-west.

These two didn't know what to make of each other.

I went inside, where things were underway. The Pavilion dates to the end of the 19th century, used as an exhibition hall. It remains in use today, and each week hosts the market on Sundays. During December, the farmer's market also takes place on Saturdays. The market is off this weekend and next weekend for the holidays, but will be back in January.

Along with farmers and their produce are artisans and Christmas offerings.

I made some purchases: a couple of large jugs of apple cider, a smaller jug of pear cider, some jam and honey, and some baked goods. The place was busy. Masks were seen worn by visitors and vendors.

Handcrafted wooden toys by one of the regular vendors.

And these caught my eye.

A last view inside the building. The Aberdeen is the last survivor of its kind in the country of the 19th century, and has been designated a national historic site. 


  1. I wish you a peaceful Christmas Eve, William!

  2. The pavilion is very British and has made me maudlin. Memories...

    The wreath is stunning as the wooden animal and mushroom creations.

  3. It is a nice hall to find some festive items.

  4. ...fabulous indoor shopping for Christmas.

  5. The pavilion looks like a great place to hold the market. The wooden animals and toys are cute.
    Take care, enjoy your day! Merry Christmas!

  6. Nice to see how you regularly find dogs when you're walking around.

  7. @Italiafinlandia: thank you.

    @Gemel: it is quite a building.

    @Iris: that it is.

    @Marianne: indeed.

    @Tom: definitely.

    @Eileen: thanks.

    @magiceye: thank you.

    @Jan: I like dogs.

  8. It's great to patronize markets like this.

  9. I love markets like this and I know how much those who are vendors appreciate the business.

  10. That's an enormous space for a market. It all looks very festive and now you've got me hankering for a cider. Merry Christmas - or Bah! Humbug! - William. Stay safe and well.

  11. Great historic building, and such fun products still being traded beneath the huge roof.

  12. Looks like a wonderful and interesting Christmas market to visit.

  13. @David: one gets real quality.

    @Marie: that it is.

    @Jeanie: they earn loyalty.

    @Mike: I'm still working through the pear cider. I like it hot.

    @Barbara: it's a good spot for it.

    @Nancy: that it is.

  14. Markets make a great tour to see all the products offered for sale.

  15. The market looks awesome in the building.

  16. Thanks for sharing these photos. Love them.

  17. Another fine post. You have said this season is difficult for you, but I wish you well.

  18. I like the handmade wooden toys.

  19. What a great place for a Farmer's Market. And...I love those wooden bears!

  20. It is a lovely building!
    We're having a tough time here. I hope things improve in the new year for all of us.

  21. Lovely seasonal photos ~

    Merry Christmas to You,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  22. @RedPat: it's quite a building.

    @Red: this one certainly does.

    @Bill: it's a good setting.

    @unknown: thank you.

    @anvilcloud: thanks.

    @Happyone: they're well made.

    @Sharon: I bought one last year. I should have bought the owl this year.

    @Jennifer: I hope so too.

    @Carol: thank you.

  23. I like your purchases and the market itself.
