Saturday, July 1, 2023

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Climate

Happy Canada Day to my fellow Canadians! 

The first day of each month is a theme day for City Daily Photo, and for July, that theme is Climate. See how others are interpreting this theme right here.

Climate is defined as the weather pattern for a given area over an extended period of time. Winters in Ottawa tend to be cold and snowy; spring is mild and varied. Summers get hot and humid here, while autumn begins the slide into winter. And then there's climate change- personified in the last few weeks by forest fires in various parts of Canada, including a couple of hours up the valley from Ottawa, sending smoke our way, as well as other parts of the continent. One evening on my way home I noticed the sun could be looked at without protection. Varying my zoom feature on my phone, I took several shots.

The following morning, the haze was worse. The Chinatown Arch stands here. There are buildings in the distance one can see under normal conditions, but the smoke rendered them invisible.

Later that morning, passing by Lansdowne Park, I took this shot of the morning skies over the stadium.

But the winds shifted, and the air cleared, at least for a time. This shot of the Chinatown Arch had skies much more as they ought to be.

And some days later, the winds shifted again, and we were dealing with the smoke again. I took this shot in mid-June from the Portage Bridge.

By contrast, this was taken late in the month, on what was a brooding but cool day. Architectural details were more clear than what they had been. But the winds would shift again, and a day later we were back in the smoky haze.


  1. ...I wish that I could see clearly now as the song says.

  2. Hello,
    It is a scary sight! We are seeing similar skies here, very hazy from the wildfires. It is amazing how far the smoke can spread. Take care, have a great weekend.

  3. It's really awful, we saw these Canadian scenes on Dutch tv lately.

  4. That haze looks scary, all right.

  5. While Canadian forests burn, Americans breathe the smoke. What better way for us to realize we're all connected in the climate crisis. I do hope the fires can be managed soon. More are probably on the way in our drought-stricken areas as well.

  6. A good post for the theme, William.
    Happy Canada Day!

  7. Forest fires how terrible... last year we also had many forest fires due to the summer drought.
    This year the weather has been kind to us so far, no unusual heat and enough rain. The farmer's fields and nature look magnificent.
    I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the wildfires are brought under control.
    A hug to you and I wish you a happy Canada Day.

  8. Lovely captures to emphasize climate change.

  9. Your sky with sun color looks similar what I see here in Vermont on some days last week. And may see today.
    Climate is a tough theme to capture. You are off to a very good start. Happy July!

  10. The smoke is bad here on occasion too. It looks terrible there.

  11. Appropriate topic for today.

  12. I've seen those smoke-filled skies here every now and then. You've been hit pretty hard this spring.
    Happy Canada Day!

  13. Our smokey skies seem to be a little better today.

  14. We are enduring another day like that.

  15. Me gusta sobretodo las primeras fotografías, en la que el sol se asoma por encima de esas casas de bonita fachada.
    Aquí estamos en pleno verano y con altas temperaturas.

  16. Happy Canada Day to you ~

    Great sky shots before and after the haze ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Good shots that emphasize climate.

  18. These forest fires are devastating and will have long term effects we can barely imagine.

  19. Nice interpretation of the climate theme.

  20. Good post. My eyes have been itching from haze.

  21. Your images reflect the skies we've been seeing here in Michigan. Very hazy (though much better today!)

  22. That is in interesting climate post. I hope those fires have gone away, we have had a respite from them for a couple of years which means they will be back again soon.

  23. Great choice for your climate theme, I just finished my Saturday's Critter post so I need to work on my theme yet too. We have the smoke here as well, some days worse than others, seems we'll all be experiencing it all summer. Your photos of the city are excellent I so enjoy seeing your lovely city.

  24. Great photos but sad to hear that the fires are still going on and causing the bad air conditions. Our days down here in Virginia have been a little hazy. The sky had a strange look to it when we were out yesterday. Hope you get some rain to help up there.

    1. Strange skies seem to be the common denominator now.

  25. The Chinatown Arch is cool! The smoke makes for some great skies. The smoke seems to have drifted back into my area today.
