Monday, July 17, 2023


This large fellow in an enclosure was having lunch as I approached, and became the one animal in this exhibit that fascinated me the most. The green iguana is a resident of Central and South America, and the Caribbean. It's primarily a herbivore, and its claws make it an exceptional climber.

This is obviously a reproduction- a statue of a mountain gorilla.

Curled up behind fallen timber, the rainbow boa, a snake of Central and South America. I've touched a similar snake like this, and was surprised by its relative dryness, as well as its muscle. 

Another couple of shots of that green iguana. I'd return to say hello on my way out.

The howler monkey is another resident of rainforest environments.

This little one was a surprise, sitting on a broad leaf. This is the milky treefrog, another South American resident. They spend their entire lives in the trees.


  1. The appearance does not remind me of herbivore.

  2. You showed us some agreeable "monsters" today. 😃

  3. The Green Iguana is quite common throughout Central America where I have seen trees loaded with them.

  4. He tenido una iguana bastante cerca, había un niño que la llevaba en el hombro, aunque yo jamás me hubiera atrevido a hacerlo.

  5. Great exhibit, I like the iguana! Take care, have a wonderful week!

  6. I can’t say that I relate to replies.

  7. ...I'll pass on the iguana.

  8. Fascinating creatures, the iguana and the frog!

  9. When I visited Costa Rica, iguanas were everywhere.

  10. Iguanas are fascinating ~ great photos ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. My son had an iguana once. He got weary of making its salads, though. We sold it!

  12. That iguana is really fascinating. I wouldn't like to run into him suddenly in the dark.

  13. The iguana is quite impressive.

  14. The tree frog is a creature I’d love to see.

  15. I love the iguana, we have lizards here, bit similar but different.

  16. Come on down to Florida next winter and I'll introduce you to a real live Iguana ! I like watching them too.
