Sunday, July 30, 2023

Of Gems And Minerals

 The three main rock types can and do transform into each other- but this is over a course of millions of years and via the forces of nature.

Minerals grow inside and out of rocks- an inorganic element with its own structure. Display cases feature some.

Gems are finely cut, polished, and finished minerals or rocks. Examples are found here, along with their base source.

I am partial to amethyst, as it's my birthstone.

I remember once being here with my parents and an aunt and uncle. My aunt, who's a real rock hound, spent a couple of hours in here.


  1. In Chinese fiction novel, most heroes like to craft a sword out of space rocks as they tend to be very sharp lol

  2. When my daughter was little she did a whole school science project on rocks and minerals. I helped her with it and samples were all mounted and labelled. I think she still has it somewhere.

  3. The minerals and gems look beautiful. Great post. Take care, have a great week!

  4. You should actually be able to view those minerals through a macro lens. Then another world would open up, I think.

  5. We love rocks. I miss the Muskoka and Northern Ontario rock. Here it is flat and swampy with only limestone. The Precambrian shield rock is spectacular!

  6. very cool. i know i've always enjoyed looking at rocks and other gems a kid i had a toy that really had you looking into these amazing bits and pieces. awesome. happy Sunday! ( ;

  7. I would spend a lot of time there too.

  8. Amethyst is certainly a beautiful stone. I love opals...not my own birthstone, but I long ago figured what I liked was more important.

  9. Pretty displays! Every once in a while, I like to visit one of the cavern gift shops around here to look at the rocks and minerals for sale. Our valley has quite a few limestone caves, and some are open to visitors.

  10. Wow! Such an amazing gem display ~ 'millions of years' on display ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. I would love to have a look through the cases with the minerals! Thank you for sharing.

  12. Yes, YES! The rock and precious gems, stones galore this is just up my alley! Thanks for sharing this, you find the best of places. Take care.

  13. The gems look very attractive.

  14. I like semi precious stones and have quite some jewelry with them. A friend of mine has a whole collection she could open a museum !

  15. I have a large collection of precious stones, some I have placed around the garden.

  16. I love pretty rocks and have collected (bought) quite a few over the years. They are now dotted around various parts of my home.

  17. Interesting to know that these rocks contain so many types of minerals.
