Monday, August 19, 2024

A Finale

 This formidable looking sculpture looks like something out of science fiction or Tolkien. Torso From The Rock Drill is from 1916, by Jacob Epstein.

Henri Matisse painted Nude On A Yellow Sofa in 1926.

This is The Pianist, a 1915 painting by Liubov Popova.

I couldn't find the name of this contemporary work out in the side spaces that deal with more contemporary works, an area that I tend to pass by.

On my way out, a photograph of Young Woman Bathing by Aristide Maillol is always in order. This limestone sculpture is roughly life sized, and dates to 1919-21.

A view up a step ramp coming from the upper level.

And one last shot taken within the glass tower, with Parliament Hill visible as well. I hope that you've enjoyed this visit to the National Gallery of Canada.


  1. 'Torso From The Rock Drill' is a great sculpture and I like your last two pictures of the building.

  2. I don’t think I have ever seen a yellow sofa, and I certainly would have remembered the nude!

  3. I've enjoyed the tour a lot, William.

  4. Matisse is always a favorite ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. You've showed much art that most people never see.

  6. Interesting exhibit. The last shot of the glass tower is pretty. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. Thanks for the tour, it was very enjoyable in seeing all the beautiful art.

  8. Your tours are always interesting. Outstanding the "ROCK DRILL" I have been saving up stuff I find....and the last two photos. Beautiful
