Friday, August 30, 2024

Odds And Ends In A National Capital

I have some odds and ends shots for you today and tomorrow taken from the last few weeks around the area. I start in early July, where en route to the National Gallery I took this shot of a flowerbed in Major's Hill Park. The flowers are presently that which last into October, when the tulip bulbs will be replanted in this bed.

After I finished the visit, I took this shot of Notre Dame Basilica across the road from the Gallery.

A sure sign of summer- this is in a residential garden in the Glebe.

Another garden, and a morning shot. This is close to home for me in the Glebe.

More summer flowers- I passed these at Richmond Landing overlooking the Ottawa River while on my way to the Portage Bridge to photograph the downstream view.

A series of artificial swans occupy the central atrium in the Billings Bridge mall. This is one of them.

One day I was at Lansdowne Park, and there was a rainbow.

I got the better part of the arch in with this one. I'll feature a similar shot in panorama for the Blue theme in October.

And I went over to the north side of the Aberdeen Pavilion, where the rainbow was still shining.

One morning in the Glebe, I saw this bunny across the road having breakfast. They are such skittish critters.

One night I walked down to Lansdowne, on a night that was rather cool, with clouds blowing swiftly in the night sky. I took a shot, and thought I saw the face of a skull up in the center. Maybe it's just me.

When I went out to the Chaudiere Falls, I photographed this. A zip line spans the Ottawa River from here to the Gatineau shore. 

On my way out, passing by the War Museum, I noticed a large flock of Canada geese in occupation of this field on the other side of the road, busy having lunch.


  1. A mixed bag today. My favourite is the ominous night sky.

  2. A nice series of views. Love the rainbow.

  3. The Aberdeen Pavilion is one of those special buildings designed and used for an international exhibition. But most of them were to be pulled down after the Exhibition ended. Ottowa is fortunate, as is Melbourne

    1. It's quite a building. They will be closing it down for some rehabilitation work in the new year, I believe.

  4. A lovely blog with all the flowers and that wonderful swan. Nice to see some rainbows too. I don't I have seen a rainbow this year so far.

  5. Lovely collection of photos. I love all the flowers and the cute bunny! Take care, have a great weekend!

  6. ...William, thanks for taking me along to see these later summer sights.

  7. The 2nd photo is my favourite of the day!

  8. I like that swan, William. It is a pretty time of year in Ottawa.

  9. Keep walking. You find many great photos.

  10. Great photos, William. I like the rainbow, it's a beauty.

  11. Those are great rainbow photos, and the zip line would be great fun.

  12. Great series of nature photos ~ awesome bunny ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days ~
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)
