Sunday, August 11, 2024

Marble Dancer

 Here we have Dancer, by Antonio Canova, dating to 1818-22. This marble sculpture is my favourite sculpture in the National Gallery. She looks graceful, playful, and as if she's about to come to life. I love to photograph her.


  1. As you like to photographer her you've certainly achieved your aim, with a lot of style too, if I may say so.

  2. Wonderful shots, William, she is still a beauty

  3. Lovely sculpture! Take care, have a great day and a happy new week!

  4. Indeed she does look ready to spring to life.

  5. ...I often marvel at the work that was done years ago with the tools that were at hand.

  6. pic # 8 and # 10 show the folds of the back of the dress beautifully. the folds are a "work of art"!

  7. It is amazing to me what can be made out of stone.

  8. It's always great to see the techniques of marble turning into flimsy fabric. But the artist gave the dancer some "tude" (attitude) as she looks over her shoulder, invitingly with a slight smile, but definitely in charge of what's happening!

  9. This sculpture does look like she is about to dance right off of that pedestal.

  10. Yes, some of your photos definitely look like she's moving and living.


  11. She's a beauty and you got some beautiful shots photographing her.

  12. Your photos have done Canova proud!

  13. Lovely marble sculpture dancing ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. i thought of you recently had to come to see ya. my msn photo when i first turn on my computer lately is a photo from different parts of Canada makes me sad to not be able to get there to see it in person. maybe one day soon. i miss it terribly. you enjoy it and thank you as always for sharing with us all ... you rock!! be well. ( ;

  15. Being very partial to the old classical statues, this is a marvelous photographic study!
