Thursday, August 15, 2024


 We begin today with The Cliffs At Etretat, an 1866 painting by Gustave Courbet.

This dramatic bronze sculpture is Fate And Love, by Gustave Dore, dating to 1877.

Here we have Haymaking At Eragny, by Camille Pissarro, a 1901 work.

Portrait Of A Woman (After A 16th Century Florentine Drawing) dates to 1858-59, and was done by Edgar Degas.

I stepped into a large room, where several works of a more contemporary nature are displayed. This one baffled me, a combination of cobalt glass and wood. Court is a 2023 work by Tim Whiten.

Here we have something even more baffling. Voice Of Fire is by Barnett Newman, dating to 1967. When the Gallery first bought this, it created much controversy because of the price of the painting, but in more recent years it has been reported that the value of the painting has skyrocketed. Still- I could paint that.


  1. Beautiful art! The first painting is my favorite. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. ...some modern art is hard to understand and the prices are insane.

  3. I preferred the classical paintings to these modern ones.

  4. Cliffs painting is awesome ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. I like 'The cliffs at Etretat' and 'Haymaking at Eragny'.

  6. The Cliff's painting is my favourite.

  7. The Cliffs is also my favorite.

  8. I like the Cliffs too, William.

  9. The magnificent cliffs and the portraits - lovely!
