Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Buskers

 The first weekend of August sees Buskerfest here in Ottawa, down on Sparks Street near Parliament Hill. As I mentioned yesterday, I was too exhausted that weekend to do much, but since I was downtown, I sought out the festival for at least some shots. This was a new act to me, a pair called Orbax And Pepper Do Science.

What I saw of their act consisted of one of the team firing marshmellows at the other one.

And of course there's always that moment where a busker brings in a member of the audience to join the act.


  1. Do the buskers raise money during or after their performances? How do they select a member of the audience who might join in? I would happily join in but my beloved would never EVER do it.

    1. Generally with most acts it's pass the hat after the performance, but with something like a living statue or chalk artist, you put money in as you pass by. And in many cases, a guest will be "volunteered" by their spouse or friends.

  2. Looks fun! Take care, have a wonderful day!

  3. Marshmallow flinging is definitely a strange act!

  4. That is weird. I'm surprised so many people would stop to watch it.

  5. Interesting series of photos, but it is difficult to see what they are doing out in the street.

    1. Unfortunately I didn't have my better phone with me that can zoom.

  6. I'm certainly not queueing up to have marshmallows fired at me!

  7. Not quite sure what this busker act was doing ~ ??? ~ oh well ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative

  8. Looks like they were having fun.

  9. Lots of fun firing marshmallows at people!

  10. It always heartens me to see how buskers were appreciated in your city. Even though I would find many of them highly avoidable in real life. But go for it! And of course there are some really great ones. Have a great day! William, thank you Aloha!

  11. I've only seen one buskerfest and that was when we lived in Tauranga a few years ago, i admire those who can get up in front of others.

  12. Nice to be surprised with such artists in the city.
