Thursday, August 1, 2024

City Daily Photo Theme Day: Fruit

 The first day of each month is a theme day for members of City Daily Photo. For August, that theme is Fruit. Take a look at how others are interpreting the theme right here.

The main farmers market in the city takes place at Lansdowne Park, and is an ideal place for picking up fruit- in this case, apples. I always get cider here during a visit.

During the warmer weather, the market is in the square adjacent to the Aberdeen Pavilion. It has a particular emphasis on local vendors.

By the time I got here on this particular day, the vendor who was selling various berries was completely out of them. I hustled back to the apples.

Dogs are a common sight at the market. This one was waiting on their human to finish up with a purchase.

At home, for fruit in another form. A corner shop near my new apartment makes cheesecakes each day and sells them at the deli counter. This is a raspberry cheesecake.

I pick up homemade jam from a vendor at the farmers market. Here are three of them at home.

And here we have scones from another vendor- raspberry and blackberry.

In keeping with a series I am currently doing here at the blog, here is a painting at the National Gallery of Canada. Still Life With Fruit And Butterflies is a 1652 painting by the Dutch artist Jan Davidsz de Heem.


  1. Great summer theme, William. I like your take on it

  2. Freshly picked fruit sounds delicious.

  3. season will soon be here🍎!

  4. Reminds me that I need to pick up corn today.

  5. You can't beat a good fruit market!

  6. Lovely captures of the market. The cheesecake looks delicious!

  7. The market looks great. I love the look of those free form scones.

  8. Very good looking food for sale.

  9. Nice theme for the time of year. Your raspberry cheesecake looks very tasteful.

  10. Great market and some delicious looking fruit products for sale

  11. I do love the fresh fruit of late summer and fall. The apples, peaches, and pears are always a treat.

  12. Your fruit-themed collection is delightful! The Lansdowne Park farmers market looks like a great place for fresh apples and other goodies, even if the berries were sold out. The raspberry cheesecake and homemade jams sound delicious, and the scones are making me crave a treat! The painting by Jan Davidsz de Heem is a beautiful way to wrap up the theme. Thanks for sharing such a varied and tasty perspective on fruit!

    I have just shared a new blog post and I would love for you to check it out and give me your feedback on Thank you

  13. colorful and yummy looking foods ~ great to have cheesecake made near your new apartment ~ enjoy ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Yes, good theme! I do like the market.
