Saturday, August 3, 2024

Treasures Of The Baroque Room

 Landscape With A Temple Of Bacchus dates to 1644, painted by Claude Lorrain.

The Abduction Of Europa by Guido Reni dates circa 1636, and recounts the story from Greek mythology of Zeus, aka Jupiter, transforming himself into a bull and making of with the latest mortal to catch his eye. It's a Zeus thing.

This is The Repentant Magdalen, by Veronese, circa 1565-70. Mary Magdalene makes her presence known several times in the National Gallery.

An Offering To Pan is by Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, dating to 1645-60.

This marble bust by Bernini dates around 1632, and depicts his patron and friend: Maffeo Barberini, Pope Urban VIII.

Bust Of A King is another marble work, this by Pierre Puget, done circa 1663-68.


  1. 'Landscape with atemple of Bacchus' is a beautiful painting.

  2. I also like the pieces you chose for today.

  3. That bust by Bernini looks like someone that I know.

  4. The 1st painting is my favourite!

  5. Great Barogue series ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  6. ...a period that I know little about.

  7. The first painting is my favorite.

  8. Interesting art! That Zeus was a pretty awful rascal!

  9. I really like the top one William, artists are so clever.
