Friday, August 23, 2024

The Chaudiere

 I decided to pay a visit to the Chaudiere Falls earlier in the month, late one afternoon on a pleasant day. The falls are in the heart of the Ottawa River as it passes between Ottawa and Gatineau, upriver of Parliament Hill. Largely harnessed for electricity with a ring dam, the falls are nonetheless impressive. I took these shots from the Chaudiere Bridge, which crosses downstream. 

The falls are a cascade type of waterfall, with a total width of 60 metres and a total fall of 15 metres. They come at a spot in the river where there are a series of islands occupying the area, and the main channel comes through here. Ottawa is on one shore, with Gatineau on the north shore. There are a number of observation spots for visitors.

I carried along the path. Here we look out to a wide stretch of the river upstream of the falls. What we see beyond is still Ottawa- the Tunney's Pasture area. The main body of the river lies to the right. A close eye might pick out a bridge over the water. That is the William Commanda Bridge, named in honour of an indigenous chief.

Along the falls, numerous plants and wildflowers flourish over the summer.

The second observation point lies between two old buildings, now unused but preserved.

And it is a good spot to take in the power of the falls.


  1. The yellow flowers are rich and handsome, but they flowers look too long to be wattle. Perhaps they are Golden Chain Tree, or another native Canadian plant.

  2. I wonder what the early settlers from Europe thought about the huge rivers they encountered as they travelled west.

    1. First Nations people knew these falls well. Samuel de Champlain saw them when he came up river in 1613.

  3. Beautiful views of the river, the wildflowers are pretty too. Take care, have a great weekend.

  4. ...water can be a mighty force.

  5. Great shots of the falls, William.

  6. Great shots of Chaudiere Falls.

  7. Chaudière Falls sounds like a stunning visit! It’s amazing how nature and human ingenuity can intertwine, with the falls harnessed for electricity yet still retaining their impressive beauty. The views from different observation points must offer varied and captivating perspectives.

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  8. What a fine looking waterfall. Looks like a great place for a walk. You must have enjoyed yourself there.

  9. very impressive waterfalls ~ great shots ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  10. That was a lovely adventure! It's a great spot.

  11. Great shots. Interesting place.
