Sunday, March 24, 2024


Here's a wider view inside the Horse and Cattle Barn.

One of the cattle, having a rest. The animals here are all named- aside from the wild birds that fly in and out of the barns.

Her neighbours, a cow and calf.

Signage on the walls looks at agriculture technology.

Ribbons of a champion whose retirement is spent here- a Hereford bull by the apt name of Hercules.

Here he is, having a rest and chewing his cud. When I came by later, he was up on his feet. A powerful animal, with a fitting name.

The barn takes its power for lights and the fans from solar panels.

A rabbit pen, with some sweet faces.


  1. The Museum of Georgia is very interesting. The animals are so clean and well-groomed!

  2. Maybe I should visit the agricultural college again, always fun saying hello to all the animals and checking out all the equipment.

  3. Love the cows and the bunny, great critter photos. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  4. It’s amazing that a bushel lingers on as a unit of volume. So in Canada we use metric, imperial and archaic. No wonder we are confused!

  5. ...cow nose pump, I had to search this!

  6. I imagined myself being a cow, as I fell asleep last night. Simply strange feeling!

  7. Sad to see animals kept inside.

  8. Aww, that's nice to see the critters living their lives.

  9. I like your spring header photo with all the Tulips. Also good to see the animals in the barn.

  10. Awesome bull and cows ~ bunny still my favorite ~ lol

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Aww the rabbits are cute.

    All the best Jan
