Sunday, March 31, 2024

Some Quiet Time For The Dairy Herd

The cows were busy eating, and being fairly quiet. I can imagine what this place might be like during the busy period of milking.

Onward I went into another area. Calves were found here, generally at rest.

And beyond them, some of the herds' recent mothers, whose milk is reserved exclusively for the youngsters.

They certainly are photogenic.


  1. I imagine their milk is reserved for the young because they are producing bovine colostrum as well! Which apparently is the new panacea. It seems to actually be a wonderful food for humans according to research and ancient Indian ayurvedic texts which referred to it as liquid gold. I enjoyed strolling through the barns with you. William. Have a beautiful Sunday Easter and a delightful week ahead

  2. The calves are tagged sadly in the corner

  3. The calves are so cute, love the photos.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  4. Sad that the calves are removed from their mothers so soon after birth.

  5. ...eating is an important part of their life.

  6. awe, the calf in the fourth pic is adorable!

  7. I'm surprised the calves aren't with their mothers, William.

  8. Certainly a lot of research can be done here by analyzing the milk.

  9. I love that spot. I don't know cows very well. They are a hoot.

  10. Gotta love those tulips in the header. :-)

  11. Aww nice to see the calves.

    All the best Jan

  12. Cows always seem photogenic don't they? You took great photos of them. Love that header shot too, tulip time! Can't wait to see more.

  13. Sweet photos of the little ones ~ great post and photos ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  14. Cows are such gentle creatures, we see them just about everywhere here as NZ is a farming country.
